
Showing posts from August, 2016
Bishop Moore, i thought u have done injustice towards me! but i was wrong.... i don't know who is the real villain ! money is powerful to alter all the laws that are attributed to common people. whatever it is, let it go! i would like to believe that whatever happened to me was for good and whatever going to happen is also for good.  i think i'm right and it is not the right time to raise my voice. 
today, once again heard about a brutal gang rape. a 4 year old child was kidnapped, gang raped and dumped. actually i don't know how to react to this incident . i can't find a reason for this.  i think now "the tradition of silence" have already been broken. then where is the problem ?? does it not the implementation of laws at right time ???  i think the police force is not showing justice towards their job. in today's case itself police has done a great mistake by showing poor response towards the  child 's missing. we saw this attitude of police in Jisha murder case also. i'm not blaming the police force but in this degrading society they have to become much more active and alert to protect social beings from the anti-socials..  

Educational Revolution

feeling enthusiastic !!!! going through a period of educational revolution; the whole education system is changing and a learning revolution is also happening....  let's experience education through technology. i'm sure it'll be energetic and enthusiastic than the boring classes.

Voice in Silence

It is   d ifficult for some person to express his/her feelings. I am such a person who  d on't know how to express my feelings, especially when someone is blaming or scol d ing me. If someone is not reacting to an emotional situation,  d on't ever think that his/her silence is an agreement to what the other person says.