
Showing posts from 2023

The dead Almond

 Yes, i purposefully killed my almond . I dont knw whethr i did right or not... but technically i m right... if i think emotionally i wont get out of the trauma...i hv gone through nd gng through.. The worst part is that thr is no one to support me mentally or physically... i handled evrythg alone... I knw that u cant b here for me... but u can support me in a btr way.... selfish gaint .... gives priority to his own self needs...

Started just for a sake.......

 Started this account just for my b ed.... but now i really need u.... since i hv no one else to share my thoughts, emotions and moreover my worries....

The worst independence day

 I was born in an independent country... ... and i enjoyed that fruit all these years.... but today i wished it could have better if i didn't have any independence day to celebrate....