
Showing posts from January, 2018

Innovative Lesson Plan -"FROM A RAILWAY CARRIAGE "

Innovative Lesson Plan Name of the Teacher Trainee    :   Sumi krishna Name of the School                   :    Govt.G.H.S. Mavelikkara Unit                                          :   II, WINGS AND WHEELS Sub-unit                                     :    “From a Railway Carriage” Standard                                    :    8 ANALYSIS OF THE POEM The poet shares his experience of a railway journey. He describes the amazing speed of a train. He presents the natural scenes as seen from the window of a railway carriage. CURRICULAR STATEMENTS ·          The learner develops an interest in travelling and a curiosity to explore new worlds. ·          The learner develops the ability of literary appreciation. ·          The learner acquaints himself with poetic devices. ·          The learner develops a literary style of his/her own. PRE-REQUISITES ·          The learner has read simple poems in English. ·          The learn
LIGHT AND SHADE; the two sides of life!!!!!

Weekly Reflection - Week 8

this week i conducted  diagnostic test for students of 9 D. i also collected feed back from the students. some of them are very sad... some had no emotions, and i do not think anybody is happy to say goodbye.... since i do not have a deep relationship with the students... it was easy for me to leave the school... some of them were telling me again and again don't go... don't leave us... i don't know how much sincerity is there in those words... but Ashish was crying... "i don't forget you"... he listened, responded and supported me in all my classes... God Bless You Dearr....

Weekly Reflection- Week 7

i completed my lesson plan this week and i conducted achievement test. this week Bobby sir came for observation for physical education and yoga classes. we all prepared and arranged classes, but he didn't observed our classes on Tuesday. again he came on Thursday, and i took my yoga as well as physical education class for 8 D students. 

yoga days!!!


Weekly Reflection - Week 6

NEW YEAR!!!!!!! This new year we were in the schools. The strength of students were really low in the classes and the teachers were also on leave. may  be they were celebrating new year..., as usual we took classes and we also had a lot of substitutions... this week i took my conscientization program on the topic"Cleanliness and Sanitation". the students were very active, interactive and co-operative in the class. they had a good idea about the topic. i just gave them certain instructions to improve cleanliness and sanitation. i also talk about the program 'Swatchh Bharat Mission'.  i also stressed the importance of proper waste disposal in schools, homes and also in public places.that was a new experience for me to conduct an awareness class. on Friday, Velu sir came for observation. we had classes on Saturday too and took classes as usual. Pictures of Conscientization Program