
Showing posts from November, 2017

weekly reflection - week 2

                  This week i started to take classes... on Monday i took my first class in 9 D. The English teacher also came to my class to observe my class. I met a group of students... who has no attachment and respect towards me.  They didn't obey me. A noisy class where students always make disturbances... they didn't obey me, even to stand up or when i ask them to keep quiet... this is a situation when a teacher is in the class to observe me. In the first day, i couldn't able to complete the lesson plan... the bell rung when i asked them to do the activity... i suddenly gave them the assignments too.... the teacher came in front of the class and asked the students to complete the assignment during the free hour. The teacher gave me good reviews about my class. When I didn’t get any response from them, I made the explanation a little more elaborate, she told me I that there is no need for such lengthy explanations. When it comes to activity section, most of them w

Finding a Voice

Finding a Voice....
Tomorrow is our first reflection programme… since we have class  tomorrow in our assigned school we wouldn’t able to attend the reflection programme… I actually don’t know what the purpose of this programme…is   As all of them accepted and praised... The first phase of teaching practice session was a grand success…. Everyone were satisfied… the school authorities… the students… the trainees… the teachers… and all…  99 per cent of the students were satisfied… of course there are 1 per cent with some kind of travelling difficulties…. An those 1 per cent share their difficulties in the reflection session… but that was the biggest sin… we did…. in second phase.. All the students were shuffled except three or four…. Now what I’m feeling is that I’m going to hell… from a hell to another hell…. There is no use of complaining… but I just want to write something… to get some kind of peace to myself…. What I understand from this shuffling is that 99 per cent of the students were facing diff

"we don't like English...."

Getting irritated day by day... today i ask them what is your problem ??? Why are you making too much noise and disturbances in class.. ?? Don't u like English ??  They told me frankly that they don’t like English.... they don’t want to study or learn English.... in my view academic and non-academic activities should give equal importance.... but here i think they are giving only importance to non-academic activities…. Students don’t have any respect towards trainees... they sit very casually in the class.... they didn't do the activities.... doesn't do the assignments... always give silly excuses ... am i a failure as a teacher... ?????  No...I’m not…. My only weakness 8s that.. I’m a trainee….. If i have some kind of power to control them... for eg. If i have the power to use the stick and beat them.... or else if I’m a permanent staff of the school .... The student’s attitude will really change.....  All else i can tolerate... but not the vulgar comments.... and s
Bad day... feeling irritated... what he thought of himself... i won’t bare his misogynistic attitude..... Why should I  ?? What did he think of himself??                   A teacher should be a guide…. Yes… a teacher should be… but sometimes there should be some exceptions… regarding the students we have to deal with…. I don’t believe in the philosophy of putting hands on the shoulder and talking with the students…. I also don’t believe in that ... there is a difference between a lady teacher and a male teacher…. I don’t think I want to justify it….                     Learn to respect…. learn how to talk and behave …. Learn what equality…is. There are 3 important person s in my life…. 2 of them were males… my father and my husband… both of them respect me… gives me enough space to talk and to act…. don’t act like that you are complete…. No one knows everything in the world and no one is perfect in the world… the respect u get from portraying someone as bad or inferior doesn’t la

School internship started….

School internship started…. The school internship was started on15th nov.2017.  The school which is assigned to me is St. Johns. H.S.S., .Mattam, which was the venue of sub district youth festival this year……… we were a group of Students, from different departments were allotted to the school. there were no classes in these three days due to youth festival...... The first two days in the school were very uncomfortable, the main reason for the difficulty is travelling and the second major reason is that the sub-district youth festival is conducting in the school… I don’t know whether we reached at the school in a good time or bad time…. The first day was really horrible… we don’t know what to do… we were in a mess…. We just wandered in the school unknowingly what to do… then some of them suggested to go an find out the assigned classes for each one of us… since it is a big school … we have to walk  sometime to reach from one building to another building…. Finally by 11 o’ cloc
yes.... now,  it is hard to believe as to whom i should believe and whom  shouldn't ... if i'm  right.... i went to nursery when i'm three years old... from there..... i went to different institutions ...i din't get such an experience as now i'm experiencing... i actually don't know where the problem lies... who is right and who is wrong....